Plan Ahead
1. August 11th, 2018
YouLead GYL Orientation & Retreat
2. August 18th, 2018
Leadership / Emotional Intelligence / Stress Management
3. September 15th, 2018
Law & Advocacy / Education, Career, & College Talks
4. October 20th, 2018
Global Day / Sports & Entertainment / Nonprofits
5. November 17th, 2018
STEM, Health Science & Medicine
6. December 15th, 2018
Financial Literacy / Life & Business Etiquette / Time Management
7. January 19th, 2019
Logistics / Supply Chain Management
8. February 16th, 2019
Arts & Culture
9. March 2nd, 2019
Graduation Ceremony

Get Involved
How can you help? Please spread the word to all high school students who are incoming Juniors and Seniors and have them apply.
YouLead GYL also needs sponsorships from businesses and individuals to help provide scholarships, defray the cost of the educational sessions, and puton special events. We have several levels of sponsorship available.
Lastly, we always need volunteers and mentors!
Please email Meedclass@gmail.com or click on the contact us tab to volunteer or receive more information!

Leadership From Within
The YouLead Global Youth Leadership Program’s goal is to connect, cultivate, inspire, and empower high school Juniors and Seniors throughout the DFW area to make a positive contribution to their communities and sphere of influence. The communities these young leaders impact include not only their local communities but can, and often times do, expand worldwide.
Through collaborations with various community and business leaders and other diverse organizations, students are given innovative, hands-on experiences through workshops, informative speaking events, exclusive site visits, and participation in community service projects.

How Does this Benefit You?
When colleges, universities, and employers look for people to add to their team, they don't want someone who is just a good student, but also a good person.
Joining a leadership program amps up your resume, gives you valuable experience in the real world, makes you competitive in the market, helps you build lasting friendships, and it's fun!
Additionally, when you bring in people from different backgrounds and different perspectives, and get them working on a similar goal, opportunities are endless and you can truly make an impact on the community and world at large.
Lastly, being a part of YouLead GYL is being a part of our collective family. As a part of our family, you will receive assistance from both the program, the MEED Center, and the GDAACC

Make A True Change
There are many youth programs in the area; these programs, however, tend to target kids in a specific city or with a certain ethnic background. YouLead is unique in that we strive to be inclusive regardless of the student’s economic or ethnic background. In this way we are able to create a unique group with different perspectives and ideas.
Furthermore, in the GYL program, the community is our classroom. YouLead GYL participants attend monthly, one-day sessions to examine various topics impacting our world. Program sessions are held on the third Saturday of each month from August through May. Community and business leaders will host leadership sessions at various locations throughout the DFW area. Program sessions are designed to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.